Flickwick’s Diary

Well, you’ve all got very over excited about our new arrivals this week so I thought I better dedicate a blog post to the ‘younglings’. Don’t you all go forgetting your favourite golden oldies in all the anticipation though!
The first arrival was Harry who appeared on Tuesday and was put in the field closest to the indoor school. Now, he got off to a bit of a bad start with us ‘old boys’ as he decided it would be a fantastic idea to jump over the fence and get into the field nearest the outdoor school, disturbing us all whilst we were teaching Sally’s Pony Club. Now I just want to squash some rumours which have been floating around for a few weeks about me and Sally’s Pony Club. I wasn’t being naughty in that lesson: I was simply checking that the Pony Clubbers were concentrating and had a good seat. Now I know it was suggested that I was being ‘silly’ and ‘jumping around’ but these small children must learn to hold on tight and sit properly in the saddle if they want to be proper riders. It’s merely educational. Harry has thankfully rethought the jumping over fences idea and has settled down in one of the back fields. He’s been told to eat all his vegetables as we are hoping he will grow to Mary size – wouldn’t that be nice?
Dolly arrived on Friday and you all got a bit silly on social media, in my opinion. I know she has a fairly pretty face and she looks quite ‘cute’ but you all do need to remember that I am the most handsome horse in the yard and no-one dedicates Facebook posts to me about how good looking I am. She is only four but has been properly educated so should be available for lessons in a couple of weeks, if we keep our hooves crossed. To be honest, us ‘old boys’ are looking forward to someone else being flavour of the month so we don’t have to work so hard. I was conned last week by Vicki who took a video of me with all four legs working perfectly well, so it looks like I might have to work a bit harder over the next few weeks. She’s even suggested to Gemma that I’m given a walk around before my lesson to help my leg! I think everyone does forget how important I am, so I do need to remind them every so often.
So when you’re all getting to your lessons really early so you can have a look at our new youngsters, just have a thought for us old boys who actually taught you to ride. We think that polos, carrots and apples are a fair thing to ask for to prove that you do still care. We aren’t making you feel guilty or anything like that, but kind gestures in food form are always appreciated.
Until next time,

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