Flickwick’s Diary

I want you to imagine the busiest Sunday you can think of. Are you thinking about it? Now multiply it by about one hundred, and that is Sunday I have had. It is so hard to be a horse in demand!

Tickets sales for someone called William Fox-Pitt open at 10am this morning. Even I knew who William Fox-Pitt is – finally, they’ve managed to get a celebrity who is nearly as famous as me. I’m not going to be asking for his autograph, but I do think William would be sensible to get a picture with me as it would help increase his celebrity status. It was so manic in the office that Vicki had to get me to come in and help. I’m not the best at answering the phone but I was quickly drafted in to cut all the tickets up in the guillotine. No one else is trusted to help in the office: especially not Pablo, as he would get his clumsy big hoofprints on everything and Ozzie would probably faint because he got a papercut.

I wasn’t really feeling lessons today after all that hard work, so started holding my back leg in the air. That one always gets them going! I was quickly brought out of the lesson, given a lunch and put back in the field – score! Pablo is not impressed as it means he has to do Pony Club as my replacement and Alf ended up having to do the 11am flatwork lesson. Even Duke is having to do plenty of work today and he’s always playing the age card to get out of doing too many lessons. Funny how his age doesn’t matter when he plays high jump or does a speed round in the jumping shows. Meanwhile, I get the afternoon off to sun myself and generally have a snooze in the field. I must remember to keep holding my leg in the air though, just for maximum effect.

We’re all so busy today because three of the riding school horses have gone gallivanting off to do something called the Molash ride. All the loaners and owners keep saying how jealous they are, but a long distance ride doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun to me. Rowan, Mary, Ozzie and Sherlock have all gone – so I’m sure we’ll get to hear all about their adventures when they come back. Rowan and Ozzie are prone to exaggeration so it may end up sounding more like the Grand National once they’ve told me about it. Rowan and Ozzie were late (what a surprise) as Rowan thought it would be funny to put his bum under the bar on the trailer and break it. Those ponies have no sense of urgency!

Until next week,


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